
Upon opening the Blacklist tab, there will be one main area that displays two buttons and any users/roles that have been blacklisted in your discord server.

Blacklist card

Blacklist New User

To blacklist an individual user from being able to open a ticket, use this button. Once clicked, a new window will appear with a search input.

Blacklist user modal

Start typing the username here and select it when found.

Blacklist user selection

Once the selection is confirmed, a success message will display and the username and ID will be displayed under the Blacklisted User section.

Blacklist user success Blacklisted user example


  • Users can also be found by their ID, rather than their username. The USE USER ID toggle can be flipped to green and the user ID search input will appear. Paste the user ID here and hit Confirm to blacklist.
  • User ID's can be found if you have turned on the Discord Developer Mode. This can be found in your user settings.
    • Right click any username and choose Copy ID

Discord developer mode

Blacklist New Role

To blacklist a role from being able to open a ticket, use this button. Once clicked, a new window will appear with a search input.

  • This is very similar to blacklisting an individual user.

Role / User

Those who have been blacklisted will appear in these sections.

  • Any role/user can be allowed to make tickets again by removing them from the blacklist by clicking the corresponding Remove button next to the role/username.

Blacklisted role example