
Thanks for choosing Tickets as your support solution! In this guide we'll teach you how to get up and running in no time at all.

If you need any assistance in the process, feel free to join our Discord server and open a ticket to talk to our support staff.

For those with previous experience configuring Discord bots

Quickly get the absolute basic functions of a ticket system for your server in 5 steps:

1. Invite the bot
2. Make yourself admin of the bot /addadmin @YourUsername
3. Go to online dashboard
4. Make a reaction panel
5. Go back to discord and add your staff as support so they can see and answer tickets /addsupport @TheirUsername or /addsupport @TheirRole

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to continue reading through SETUP and the rest of the documentation, as these steps only provide the most basic working ticket system. There are many ways to customize the system, messages, notifications, and support staff.

For beginners with Discord bots

You'll need to start by inviting Tickets to your server.

  • Learn how to do this here.

If you've already invited the bot to your server, feel free to jump ahead and start configuring it.

  • View our guide on this here.